In addition to having a veterinarian and staff on duty around-the-clock to handle pet health emergencies, Seven Hills Veterinary Hospital has its own in-house veterinary laboratory. In emergency situations, when time is of the essence, we don’t have to send samples to outside veterinary laboratories and wait for the results. Instead, we do the necessary analysis in our laboratory and get the results immediately.
Among our most common laboratory tests are:
- Urinalysis—An evaluation of your pet’s urine to reveal infections, kidney and bladder disease, diabetes, and other conditions.
- Fecal exam—This is a two-part evaluation of your pet’s feces. The first part consists of evaluating the color, consistency, and looking for presence of blood or mucus. The second entails examining the feces under a microscope to look for the presence of intestinal parasites, fungi, or protozoa.
- Complete blood count (CBC)—An analysis of your pet’s blood to assess your dog or cat’s immune status and the blood’s ability to clot.
- Blood clotting times—Tests for bleeding disorders.
- Blood chemistries—Blood chemistry tests help us identify the status of several of your pet’s internal organs. These tests are also used for evaluating the safety of anesthetizing your pet before surgery.
- In-house cytology—Our in-house laboratory is able to examine individual skin, ear, and other cells for evidence of cancer or diseases and disorders.
In addition to using the tests described to diagnose your pet’s condition quickly, these tests are also very helpful in identifying the presence of diseases, like diabetes and cancer, before there any visible symptoms. This is why routine pet wellness checkups are important, especially as your pet gets older.