We know first-hand that the love we have for our pets is as unique as our pets themselves, and our relationships to them. No two pets are alike, just as no two people are alike, and our relationships with the pets that share our life with us reflect that.

But there are common threads that bind us as pet owners. A piece of shared humanity that is undeniable to anyone who has spent time in the waiting room of a vet’s office.

We can empathize to the fullest with the pet owner who is waiting anxiously for their pet to come out of surgery, or who is about to say good-bye; just as we can with the thrill of bringing home a new kitten or puppy, or those we pass on the trails as we hike with our dog.

Our pets get under our skin in a way that few humans ever do.

But why?

Here are a few of our thoughts…

  • Our pets love us unconditionally – This is rare in the modern world, and knowing that no matter how badly we’ve messed up, or how crazy our hair is in the morning that we are loved, simply for who we are.
  • Pets allow us to show our compassion and the best of our humanity – There is no shame in showing kindness to our pets and animals in general. That too is rare, to be able to be unconditionally kind without fear of rejection.
  • Pets are always happy to see us – Rarely does it matter if we’ve been gone 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 days, our pets are always thrilled to see us when we walk in the door. And that just feels good.
  • Pets protect us – Our pets help us to feel safe. Whether it’s a mighty woof when a stranger is at the door, or a cat acting funny because something is amiss outside, our pets help us to feel protected and that know that we are not alone.
  • Our pets are good for our health – Pets get us up and moving, whether we like it or not. Whether it’s just getting of the couch for feeding time and a trip outside when you’re not feeling well, to getting out for a walk or a hike, our pets make us engage with the world. They are also “live-action stress balls,” and have a way of reducing our stress levels that is almost beyond compare.  In fact, last year the American Heart Association announced that it has been scientifically proven that our pets are good for our overall heart health for a variety of reasons; check it out.
  • Our time with our pets is short – It can also be said, that there is something about knowing that we only have a short time with our beloved pets that makes us appreciate them even more. It’s like we concentrate a lifetime of love into a handful of years.

We know that the list could go on and on. The reasons we have to love the animals in our life are seemingly endless. From their funny personality quirks to the way the keep us warm at night, we never cease to find new ways and new reasons to love them.

We hope you and your pet take a moment to celebrate the love you share this week. Your pet may not be your sweetheart, but chances are good that he or she is one of the greatest loves of your life.